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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Project Life 2015

A few months ago I decided I was going to start a Project Life album for 2015.  It was June, so I had a few months to go back on.  Well, life got busy with summer - camping, racing, travelling - all that fun stuff and I'm just starting January now.  I also invested in a new Canon Pixma printer over the summer for my photo printing.

So here is my cover page or title page for my album.  I joined Studio Calico's monthly Project Life kit subscription so I receive a kit each month.  I really love their style.  This is from the January kit Far Far Away.  I don't plan to do weekly spreads as I'm positive I wouldn't be able to keep up.  I plan to do it monthly and the number of pages depending on what photos I have.

I decided to print my journalling from the computer since I'm not too fond of my writing.  I'm sure I won't always do this though but I wanted to try.  I like the look.

The gold twenty fifteen is a clear acetate overlay - it's so pretty over the cardstock.  The tiny label in the corner of the picture is a digital file from SC's September Brimfield kit.  I actually used the print and cut feature on my Silhouette :) and it worked perfectly!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Crop & Create Delivered - Summer Heat Wave Kit

In the spirit of packing and getting ready for the annual Crop and Create Event this weekend I thought I'd share the summer kit I picked up a few months back.  I've been sooo busy enjoying this summer, there hasn't been much creating going on and needless to say this kit has gone untouched.  So it is being packed to come along to the crop :)  Can't wait, it's always so much fun and I love the classes and kits and inspiration and hanging with my buddies for the weekend!!

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