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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Crop & Create Delivered - Summer Heat Wave Kit

In the spirit of packing and getting ready for the annual Crop and Create Event this weekend I thought I'd share the summer kit I picked up a few months back.  I've been sooo busy enjoying this summer, there hasn't been much creating going on and needless to say this kit has gone untouched.  So it is being packed to come along to the crop :)  Can't wait, it's always so much fun and I love the classes and kits and inspiration and hanging with my buddies for the weekend!!


Tracy said...

Looks like an awesome kit as is all of their kits.
So looking forward to the Crop & Create event tomorrow and of course to seeing you…it has been a crazy busy summer…just how we like it :)

snappy scrappy said...

Can't wait to see you there-we are going on Saturday.

Anonymous said...





{南無大方廣佛華嚴經} {南無華嚴海會佛菩薩}

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